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Network Operations Center : FranceIX Lyon

ANNULE : REPLANIFICATION: maintenance transporteur lien LyonIX/TopIX
Beginning 2018-04-04 01:00:00
Ending 2018-04-04 05:00:00
Status Terminé
French Description l'operation a ete annulée par le transporteur.

le lien LyonIX-TopIX sera potentiellement coupé pendant la fenetre de travaux.
les sssions BGP concernées seront fermées préventivement.
il est recommandé de rerouter préventivement le traffic pour la période concernée.
English Description operations were canceled by the carrier.

works are schedulled by the carrier on the LyonIX-TopIX link.

the LyonIX-TopIX link will probably experience shutdowns during the schedulled working window. concerned BGP sessions will be shut at LyonIX.

Preventive traffic redirections should be schedulled by concerned members.